Shatt Al Basra Barrage
HWH & Associates concluded feasibility studies for the Iraqi government for the rehabilitation and upgrading of a key facility in the country’s water irrigation network.
The Shatt Al Basra Barrage was built in 1979 and consists of five controlling tidal flows for gates, two flood gates, a navigation lock, fish passes and a hydraulic swing bridge. It is in the main outfall drain controlling tidal flows for a large canal system used in irrigation of farmlands located close to Basra and between Hammar Lake and the Persian Gulf.
Due to damage during the Gulf Wars the facility has not worked for more than a decade. As a result, Persian Gulf waters have migrated into the canal system as much of Basra is at or below sea level. Rehabilitating the facility will reduce salinity levels in canals and allow farming families in central and southern Iraq to regain their financial independence.
Our feasibility studies involved site investigations and structural testing. We hope to secure a role as project manager for the construction phase.
Key to our success was the contribution of our Iraqi engineers who led the project from inception to completion. Their local know-how and relationships with the client were instrumental to our success. They were supported by colleagues in Warsaw, who the facility’s original designs, and in Dubai who provided ad-hoc support.